Mud and Mercy Co.
Welcome to Mud & Mercy Co. A Christian based store that specializes in exclusive custom made items featuring Christian, American/Patriotic, and Small Town Farm Life inspired designs. We thrive to create unique one of a kind pieces to share with all!
”What’s with the name?” -Everyone
Grace: Receiving Blessings you do not deserve.
Mercy: Not receiving consequences you DO deserve.
“I Pray. God, it’s time for a break! God, answer in love! Answer with your Mercy. Rescue me from the Mud, don't let me go under for good.” Psalms 69: 13-14
We all need a daily reminder that God’s Mercy will always show up when we are in the dirtiest muddiest parts of our lives.
Brittnee and her husband Trevor have been married for 13 years and have 4 beautiful children. Isaiah, Matthew, Temperance, & Jonathan. Her mission is to plant seeds of love, joy, peace and support to those she is able to come in contact with through this new avenue. With a prayer said over every order as it gets designed, made, packaged, and shipped she hopes to bring a peace over every person she "meets."